It's not just about the drawing, it's about the story you want to tell. - Hayao Miyazaki

What is Storytelling Animation Video

2D Animation Video

A 2D animation video is a flat, two-dimensional visual representation that brings characters and objects to life through motion. Utilizing a sequence of images or frames, 2D animation is an effective way to convey complex ideas, tell stories, or promote products and services. For businesses, 2D animation can simplify intricate concepts and make them easily digestible for your target audience, making it a powerful tool for marketing and educational content.

2D Animation Video for Business Engagement
3D Animation Video
3D Animation Video for Advanced Visualizations

3D animation video involves creating three-dimensional characters and environments that move and interact in a virtual space. This form of animation offers a more realistic and dynamic visual experience. Businesses can leverage 3D animation to create immersive product demonstrations, virtual tours, or even simulations, providing a more engaging and impactful way to connect with customers and stakeholders.

When to Use Animation Video

Use animation video to explain complex products or services in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand way, making it simple for your audience to grasp the key benefits. Utilize animation video for storytelling and brand building, captivating your viewers with creative narratives that forge emotional connections and leave a memorable impression. Employ animation videos for educational purposes, creating engaging tutorials and training materials that enhance learning experiences and improve knowledge retention.

Our Packages


A video that shows static images being drawn on the screen. Best suited for any presentation and new project where the information is presented in the form of an illustrated story.


  • High Converting Script
  • Powerful Voice-Over
  • Engaging Animation
  • Music & SFX
  • 2 X Revisions
  • 4+ Weeks Delivery


A short-form video usually used for marketing or sales purposes that highlights a company’s product, solutions, services, or business idea in a compelling and efficient way.


  • High Converting Script
  • Powerful Voice-Over
  • Engaging Animation
  • Music & SFX
  • 2 X Revisions
  • 4+ Weeks Delivery


Hands-on production highest quality output video, focused on delivering a lot of information in details for introducing a company, product and service to potential customers.


  • High Converting Script
  • Powerful Voice-Over
  • Engaging Animation
  • Music & SFX
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • 4+ Weeks Delivery
  • Custom Graphics
  • Premium Animation Team

Animation Video Production Process (4 - 8 Weeks)

  • 01
    Q U E S T I O N N A I R E

    A questionnaire helps us gather the necessary information. We engage in direct communication, discussing your project's guidelines, objectives to keep things more efficient for your project.

  • 02
    S C R I P T I N G

    We create a compelling script designed to articulate your message with precision and impact. Your review and approval ensure the script aligns perfectly with your objectives.

  • 03
    S T O R Y B O A R D

    We start by providing you with a preliminary storyboard, showcasing the overarching style to be employed. Finally, we present the full storyboard for your review and approval.

  • 04
    V O I C E O V E R

    Professional voiceover artists and suitable background music bring your script to life. We'll send you a few options for your approval to ensure alignment with your vision.

  • 05
    A N I M A T I O N

    We blend the approved script, storyboard, and voiceover to construct your video, then submit it for your final approval. Once approved, we promptly deliver the completed video to you.

Animation Video Project Details


  • Our Standard length is usually 30 seconds to 2 minutes. It should be determined by considering level of complexity, your content, and audience. We’ll help guide you to the right decisions.


  • Our video production timeline takes an average of 4 weeks with the fastest period being 6 days, it can take a lot longer than 4 weeks. Please note that the timeline also depends on complexity of scenes, required attention to detail, your availability and timely feedback.



  • The price takes into account many factors including complexity of scenes, rounds of revision (standard is 2 revisions), total number of scenes, video length and your timeline.

Allow us to turn your concepts into captivating visual narratives. Take the first step towards an extraordinary animation video production journey.